i did a little customization on the Megamenu so there the menu is animated when i click on it.
I just added the two classes (animate slide) in \menu\megamenu.tpl.php :
<pre class="line-numbers"><code class="language-markup">$cls = ' class="t3-megamenu animate slide ' . ($trigger == 'hover' && $animation ? ' animate ' . $animation : '') . '"';</code></pre>
All is working perfectly only Not in IE.
Problem that i have is internet explorer. The animation is not working and the menu closes right away when i click on it. I figured out its this part of code in the file \base-bs3\js\menu.js :
Line 282 to 284, when hide is called and the item.$item.removeClass('open') is called.
How can i fix that?
What connection does this have with Internet Explorer? Why is hide called? How is this rendered in Chrome that is working?
Thank you very much for your help.