To create such block, please go to the folder: templates\t3_bs3_blank\tpls\blocks, duplicate the "spotlight-2.php" and rename to "spotlight-3.php", open that file and edut the position in the file:
<?php if ($this->checkSpotlight('spotlight-3', 'position-9, position-10, position-11, position-12')) : ?>
<!-- SPOTLIGHT 2 -->
<div class="container t3-sl t3-sl-2">
<?php $this->spotlight('spotlight-3', 'position-9, position-10, position-11, position-12') ?>
<!-- //SPOTLIGHT 2 -->
<?php endif ?>
Next, load the block to the default layout (templates\t3_bs3_blank\tpls\default.php), just after the spotlight-2.
<?php $this->loadBlock('spotlight-2') ?>
<?php $this->loadBlock('spotlight-3') ?>
Once done, the layout will be like this: