Hi all.
I am embarking on creating a directory using Joomla. I create sites using Joomla all the time, in addition I have used the T3 (BS3) blank template and K2 many times.
I was originally going to use K2 for the directory as it offers a bit more functionality than Joomla itself, such as extra fields. If I use T3 though I can add extra fields to com_content therefore eliminating the need for K2. This would be great because adding more and more extensions to a site simply bloats it.
I do have an issue though. I was also going to use JoomlArt's JA K2 Filter and Search Component in order for the user to search for directory listings. Obviously this component is built for use with K2. My question is; is there a way that I can create a similar filter that uses the T3 extra fields in com_content instead of those in K2? Does JoomlArt have any plans to release such an extension?
Thank you