Hi again,
I also have difficulties with changing the font. I want to use
Aghja from the
Open Font Library. I installed it in
/joomla/templates/t3_blank/fonts, I changed the
etc/assets.xml-file, I changed the font in
less/variables.less. I even inserted an
@font-face in
css/template.css (and changed the font where I thought it was applicable).
I also tried using the
Theme-Magic-bar (but I'm not sure which format the link has to have, is this correct: "
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="http://openfontlibrary.org/face/otfpoc" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>"? This is the link provided on
I also put the above code in "Custom Code" - "After <head>".
I tried this in
t3_blank and
t3_bs3_blank (in the first, I had to create the assets.xml file, because it wasn't there). In neither template there is a
custom.css file in css. Do I have to create it?
Until now, nothing helped to change the font.
Any tips?