I want to make a logo bar full width and the rest smaller like the mainmenu. (see my attachement).
But the header.php of T3 BS3 blank doesn't have a "container". (see my code at the end.)
I have added the top-menu ('Mijn Account Mijn winkelwage aanmelden' see my attachement) by looking at the code of the template ja-mitius (I think this is a T3v1 template?).
How can I position the top-menu position, search position, in one line like my attachement. With customizing by less or...? Ooohh, now I see "col-xs-12", do I have to change this to two for example, disable the languageswitcherload.
Or is it better to create a new block for example with top-header and then add there three positions, "LOGO", "top-menu", "search" in it. But this is also what have more or less now. How to get this done?
What is the right way to do this?
Are there more different code examples? I mean a spotlight is quite straight forward. Speaks more or less for it selfs.
But the header and the main-body, what is possible and how? Which classes are there you can use and when do I need this to use? Is this a stupid question?
Btw.: what is the difference between style="raw" and style="JAxhtml"?
<!-- LOGO -->
<div class="col-xs-12 <?php echo $logosize ?> logo">
<div class="logo-<?php echo $logotype ?>">
<a href="/<?php echo JURI::base(true) ?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>">
<?php if($logotype == 'image'): ?>
<img class="logo-img" src="/<?php echo JURI::base(true) . '/' . $logoimage ?>" alt="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>" />
<?php endif ?>
<span><?php echo $sitename ?></span>
<small class="site-slogan"><?php echo $slogan ?></small>
<!-- top-menu added -->
<div class="span2 clearfix">
<div class="top-menu<?php $this->_c('top-menu')?>">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="<?php $this->_p('top-menu') ?>" style="raw" />
<!-- //top-menu -->
<!-- //LOGO -->