Please check again if you have modified any less file.
You should check careful for those changes.
Only changes I'm aware of having made, is the ones i have in my themes variables-custom.less file.
I have included them here, but can't see if there is anything wrong in here?
@font-size-base: 13px;
@font-family-base-custom: Roboto;
@brand-primary: #428aca;
@body-bg: #ffffff;
@text-color: @gray-dark;
@headings-color: inherit;
@link-color: @brand-primary;
@border-radius-base: 4px;
@border-radius-large: 6px;
@border-radius-small: 3px;
@t3-module-bg: transparent;
@t3-module-color: inherit;
@t3-module-title-bg: @t3-module-bg;
@t3-module-title-color: @t3-module-color;
@t3-spotlight-background: @body-bg;
@t3-spotlight-text-color: @text-color;
@t3-footer-background: @navbar-default-bg;
@t3-footer-text-color: @gray;
@t3-footer-module-background: @t3-footer-background;
@t3-footer-module-text-color: @t3-footer-text-color;
@t3-footer-module-title-color: @text-color;
@container-lg: 1170px;
@container-md: 970px;
@container-sm: 750px;
@font-family-base: Roboto;
The fact is, that I have just experienced the same problem again and had to restore a backup to get up and running again.
This time, everything on the site was working when I made a minor change to a existing custom HTML module, and saved it - and then the site crashed!
Can't figure out why this would trigger any changes to any less files.
Have to admit, that I went into panic-mode and went for the restore asap for the customer not to find out it happened. Therefore I did not try to enable error reporting in Joomla to find any other information. But - I have a copy of the site on a testserver, and will try to reproduce the problem later today.
If anybody have any idea or suggestions, I'm all ears