I'm using Joomla 2.5.16 - T3 Blank template V.1.4.3 - plugin V.1.4.3
I have copy of my site on localhost for testing before any update work so I decide to update to newest template version 2.0.0 and plugin 2.0.1 firstly on localhost, and after done that on ThemeMagic (on my customized theme) I got following error massage: (prt.scr. attached)
Couldn't load "http://localhost/listribolov25/templates/t3_blank/less/themes/ribolov_pikeman_theme/vars.less (404)"
So I decide to NOT update newest version to my live site until problem is solved on localhost, so if anyone have solution for my problem....
And I just saw that on this localhost version I have TemplateManager look like on this prt.scr.
And at the same version of Joomla and T3 but on another computer with completely identical configuration of Windows, Wamp and site (site is from same source - exactly same copy of online site) I have TemplateManager look like this picture.
How is it possible???