I'm an enthusiastic user of the T3 BS3 Blank template; I've customised it for quite a few websites. Recently I had two issues that seem to be related to template overrides included in this template, as they are not present when I switch to the Protostar template that comes with the Joomla core.
I found no override files in the template that are relevant to these issues at the location where I expected them to be: /templates/t3_bs3_blank/html. I hope that you can help me to find them.
The first issue relates to the highlighting of search results. In the titles of the articles, the html code of the highlighting becomes visible, like this: <span class="highlight">search term</span>
From a Joomla forum in my own language (.nl) I learned that this was a know issue that should be solved in J.3.7.5. It had something to do with a php escape command that should be removed from echo $this->escape($result->title)
The second issue is about the new Custom fields in Joomla. In an other site I found that the tabs containing the custom fields do not show up in front end editing mode.
I hope that you can help me on this - and maybe you can explain how I can locate this type of overrides within the T3 system by myself in the future.
Kind regards, Frits